Jupyter and Markdown
You can write Markdown as part of Jupyter notebooks. The basic idea is to use a special “Cell Type”. An important feature I struggle to activate is the ability to call a (Python) variable inside Markdown.
Something like
maxv = 1.2 # after a long computation in Python says
then you want to write Markdown that refers to maxv (a Python variable)
The maximum value found is {{maxv}} and suggests that blabla
It should be rendered as
The maximum value found is 1.2 and suggests that blabla
After some tries and errors with pip3, jupyter, etc. as well as some cryptic messages (compatibility issues, validation that does not match, etc.) I succeed to activate it with:
jupyter nbextension enable python-markdown/main
(the “main” is important and actually refers to main.js, see below)
ls /Users/macher1/Library/Jupyter/nbextensions/python-markdown/
main.css python-markdown-post.png python-markdown.png readme.md untrusted.png
main.js python-markdown-pre.png python-markdown.yaml trusted.png
Written on January 26, 2019