Standalone Solution for Loading Models with Xtext
Xtext is an open-source and popular framework for the development of domain-specific languages. The contract is appealing: specify a grammar and you get for free (no effort) a parser (ANTLR), a metamodel, a comprehensive editor (working in Eclipse, or even in the Web), and lots of facilities for writing a compiler/an interpreter.
For instance, you can write a compiler (in Java or Xtend) that generates on-the-fly when a user edits his or her programs (with the generated editor of course). Sometimes, there is the need to have a standalone solution because you want to develop outside Eclipse or simply because you want to integrate your compiler as part of a bigger thing (e.g., a Web application).
ParserHelper is nice for unit testing your compiler (see this tutorial). However ParserHelper depends on @RunWith(XtextRunner). So outside @Test methods, you cannot use it since dependency injection does not apply.
A possible workaround is to edit .mwe2 file and generate a “Main” class:
language = StandardLanguage {
name = "org.xtext.example.mydsl.Mml"
fileExtensions = "mml"
generator = {
generateJavaMain = true
It injects for you the good dependencies and so you have an executable, standalone Java program.
Another solution is to use an helper function that loads the model out of a string content: see this gist
The principle is to write the string into a temporary file and parses this file (URI) to obtain a model. Then you can traverse your model and compile it. I provide similar facilities as part of an MDE/DSL/SPL course at University of Rennes 1
I thank Manuel Leduc for his nice advices about DSL and Xtext.